AMDC Life Sciences

A modular cleanroom of ISO level 8 designed to maintain high levels of cleanliness and sterility. It provides a controlled environments that have a strict set of protocol for users. This set up is required to carry out critical activity, test and to maintain integrity of material contained within it. The lab is also equipped with latest equipment’s and instruments.


Our vision is to ensure safe and clean food and water are accessible to everyone in the country. We strive to be the leading provider of reliable and accurate testing services to the food and hospitality industries, institutions, and communities in the Maldives, while adhering to internationally recognized standards.


Our mission at Life Sciences LAB is to bridge the gap in food and water testing in the Maldives and beyond, by providing value-added testing services to our customers, thereby safeguarding their clients and helping them maintain the required food and water safety standards. We are committed to adhering to international standards and best practices, and our goal is to empower our clients to make informed decisions about the safety of their food and water, while promoting the fundamental human right of access to safe and clean food and water.

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    AMDC Life Sciences Lab